Communicating, thinking and problem solving

With a background in international telecommunications, I am no stranger to working in culturally diverse, technical and dynamic environments. In such environments it can be quite a challenge to ensure that individual and collective action is aligned and remains true to strategic planning and what to do, when they are not?

To be able to answer this question myself, I have trained in diverse systems of communication, thinking and problem solving. It is my purpose to offer the unique learning that I have acquired to you as an individual, group or team so that you can benefit from them as needed:

Lending broadly from each of the methods (they are each to be recommended in their own right), I am a great fan of the LEGO SERIOUS PLAY (LSP) method and materials, which prove consistently reliable as a tool to visualise and structure complex ideas, relationships and systems. For this reason, I often include this fun, colourful approach in my meeting plans.